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Blog Introduction


I’ve really resisted starting a blog. There are so many out there already. Who has time to read them all? I’m not an avid blog reader myself. We all spend so much time at the computer already, and I find myself eager to get done with my screen business so I can get back to reading my book. Truth to tell, I read only one blog regularly. Every morning when I fire up my computer, there is Diane...

For every season turn turn


The notice arrived from the committee that keeps things running smoothly in our community garden that it was time to start thinking about cleaning up our plots and putting them to bed for the winter. That’s a hard message to take seriously when there are still tomatoes ripening on these near 70-degree days and a hard frost feels still a month away, but climate change or not, the number of...

Artistically challenged


I have two distinct art-related school memories, neither of them positive. When I was in fourth grade our teacher designated Wednesday afternoon as crafts time. What that really meant was weaving on cardboard sheets that had been cut in particular patterns to accept the yarn looped around and through them. It sounds pretty easy – unless you’re a kid with limited dexterity. Books, pencil and paper...



Sometimes, this blog writing business is heavy lifting. I’ve been at it for almost five years now, and there are days when I sit down at the keyboard with a fully formed idea that’s going to carry me through the week’s posting but today was not one of those days. I tried the free writing strategy I introduced to my students who complained they had nothing to write about. Sometimes, as if out of...

While it’s still fresh


[Before we get down to the main topic at hand, I wanted to add another response to the discussion of the impact of the Covid years on kids of different ages. I noticed this note from Sarah Orlowski Huska too late to include in last week’s posting. She brings the unique perspective of a parent of a child the same age as the students she teaches, which gives her a kind of 360-degree view of the...

REaders’ Comments about Covid-year losses


I promised that I would share some of the responses to my invitation to teachers to share their observations about the lingering effects of the Covid years. I haven’t heard from a lot of teachers which is hardly a surprise during this energy- and time-consuming start up period in the school year. I know I would get a better yield by contacting specific teachers, but I’d rather not impose on...

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