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My (Mostly) Happy Place


Those of you who have been reading my rantings for a while know that New Hampshire is one of my top away happy places, as opposed to the home happy places like our garden plots and our amazingly well-situated apartment at sunrise and sunset. It’s New Hampshire that has kept me from being faithful to my weekly blogging duties, but I’m back now with stories to tell. The happy parts of our weeks in...

Vulnerable Seniors


Helen and her husband Antonio (not their real names) were close friends of ours, despite the thirty-year age difference between us. They were both accomplished artists. Several of Antonio’s bold colorful prints adorn our walls. In their younger years, they had been ardent left wingers, members of the Communist party. Keep that detail in mind because it has some bearing on this story...

Loss Tempered by Privilege


Bear with me as I recount what may appear to be a trivial incident from last week. It will open out eventually to make a larger point. Raise your hand if something similar has happened to you. Last Thursday, we made a run to Costco, which happens once every couple of months. It was time to restock peanut butter. That meant two conjoined giant jars we’ll be lucky to live long enough to get through...

Views from Above and Below


In my three-week run of book recommendations, there was no mention of professional books. Many of you who are not educators would havetaken a pass on that list, as you may choose to today as well. I’m going to forego the pleasures of generating that list and will instead focus on two books that have a lot to say about the current state of teaching and learning in America’s schools How a City...

The S Word


During a recent visit to the Museum of Science and Industry here in Chicago, I spent a few minutes paying my respects to one of my favorite exhibits, the giant pendulum which greets you as you enter the weather pavilion. It’s hypnotic to watch that pendulum follow its unchanging course back and forth across the circular perimeter, knocking down pegs arrayed around the circle at regular intervals...

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