ArchiveSeptember 2024

REaders’ Comments about Covid-year losses


I promised that I would share some of the responses to my invitation to teachers to share their observations about the lingering effects of the Covid years. I haven’t heard from a lot of teachers which is hardly a surprise during this energy- and time-consuming start up period in the school year. I know I would get a better yield by contacting specific teachers, but I’d rather not impose on...

Educational Long covid


My friend Kimberly’s passion for kids and teaching always stokes the embers that remain from my years in the classroom. When she visited recently, I asked her how the year ahead looked after the initial week with her second graders. It happened that we had been engaged in a conversation about the challenges of getting kids with special needs the services they deserved, so it wasn’t surprising...

if it Don’t kill you….”


“If it don’t kill you, it’ll make you fatter.” I first heard this phrase from a colleague who attributed it to her Puerto Rican grandmother. I’ve since encountered many variations of it, as I’m sure you have as well, but the meaning doesn’t vary. We all face adversity at some point in our lives. Sometimes the experience causes permanent psychic damage, but if we struggle to overcome it, we emerge...

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